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Metallic Business Cards

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Through the years we’ve managed to create a successful company with clean and honorable reputation. Many years ago our company was an unknown start-up but now we are glad to offer our premium business cards online for your comfortable living. There is no doubt that eCommerce will alter the classical business model and that is why we are here - if you want to stay alive you should never stop.

Caring about the clients is one of the most important goals that we have. Experienced entrepreneurs know that business card is the face of your company and if you don’t have it or it doesn’t seem to be an effective one - we are always glad to help you. There are many various design solutions in our arsenal and you can try out all of them.

We will create a design of the business card for you or you can just provide us with your own designs. It doesn’t take too much time and you’ll receive new face of your business in a matter of a couple of days after contacting us. Being an international store is a real challenge for us and we can promise that we’ll accept it with dignity.

Paper Quality Standart
Printed Side Full Color Front and Back
Paper Type 100 lb. Textured Linen Paper
Quantity 400
Orientation Horizontal
Corners 1/4 inch round
Weight 1 pound
Shipping Free Shipping
Return Policy 30 days

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Formats acceptés : GIF, JPG, PNG



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Metallic Business Cards

Metallic Business Cards

Through the years we’ve managed to create a successful company with clean and honorable reputation. Many years ago our company was an unknown start-up but now we are glad to offer our premium business cards online for your comfortable living.


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