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If you choose cash and carry method, please note that this means that you should pay cash for the goods you purchase and carry them away yourself. In this case we do not offer credit accounts and delivery service. This is a common policy for cash and carry delivery method. Not too convenient for you? Please read on and get to know what else delivery methods do we provide. Please be sure that we have foreseen different situations and offer other delivery methods that may fit you best.
A parcel point is an easy and convenient way to receive items in your city. Shop in our online store, then selects the parcel point as the delivery type and choose the preferred pick-up location. The item will be in the parcel point selected by you the next day after 4 p.m., or some time later in some areas. The Parcel Points are available in central locations and during the opening hours of shops, also on weekends. More than half customers pick up their parcel already on the day of its delivery.
What happens when you choose shipment to the door option? Our store takes responsibility for dealing with all the tasks involved in moving goods from the manufacturing plant to the buyer/consignee's door. It is our responsibility to insure the goods and absorb all costs and risks including the payment of duty and fees. In other words, the selling cost of goods includes all expenses inclusive of taxes to reach the goods at the door step of your premises.
International delivery is regulated by EXW, Incoterms 2010. Any dates quoted for delivery of the goods are approximate only and the store shall not be deemed to be in delay in delivery of the goods unless actual delivery of goods occurs later than four weeks from the quoted approximate delivery date and having received the Buyer’s written notification. The buyer shall comply with all laws governing the importation of the goods into the country of destination.
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