Best free Android apps of 2017: 100 you must download

You've got an Android device, either because you didn't want, or couldn't afford, an iPhone - and in years past that meant you had to live with substandard apps Weiter...

iPhone 8 tipped to have front side 3D camera, paving way for augmented reality

The fact that Apple would be trying hard to develop AR capabilities for its devices makes sense given how bullish the company’s CEO is about the potential of augmented reality. Weiter...

Purported leaks of Galaxy 8 show major change as home button disappears

The company has pushed back the release of the Galaxy 8 handset until the end of March, but there has been a lot of speculation about how it will look. And we might just have an answer. Weiter...

Four Types of Verbal Communication

Verbal communication include sounds, words, language, and speech. Speaking is an effective way of communicating and helps in expressing our emotions in words. This form of communication is further classified... Weiter...