
Featured Gift Cards

All of our cards are carefully verified and our sellers undergo a thorough background check. Add that to the Giftterrs 45-day card balance guarantee and you’ll understand why Giftterrs is the most secure gift card exchange on the planet.

Don’t know what to gift for holidays? Searching for a perfect present? The clock is ticking, the holiday is...

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  • 1 Review(s)

    We are happy to greet you in our gift card online store! From the early beginning, our motto was to make the life of our clients easier. How do we do it? By saving your time on ideation and shopping regarding gifts. We are happy to greet you in our gift...

  • 1 Review(s)

    We are happy to greet you in our gift card online store! From the early beginning, our motto was to make the life of our clients easier. How do we do it? By saving your time on ideation and shopping regarding gifts. We are happy to greet you in our gift...

  • 1 Review(s)

    We are happy to greet you in our gift card online store! From the early beginning, our motto was to make the life of our clients easier. How do we do it? By saving your time on ideation and shopping regarding gifts. We are happy to greet you in our gift...

  • 1 Review(s)

    We are happy to greet you in our gift card online store! From the early beginning, our motto was to make the life of our clients easier. How do we do it? By saving your time on ideation and shopping regarding gifts. We are happy to greet you in our gift...

  • 1 Review(s)

    We are happy to greet you in our gift card online store! From the early beginning, our motto was to make the life of our clients easier. How do we do it? By saving your time on ideation and shopping regarding gifts. We are happy to greet you in our gift...

  • 1 Review(s)

    We are happy to greet you in our gift card online store! From the early beginning, our motto was to make the life of our clients easier. How do we do it? By saving your time on ideation and shopping regarding gifts. We are happy to greet you in our gift...

  • 1 Review(s)

    We are happy to greet you in our gift card online store! From the early beginning, our motto was to make the life of our clients easier. How do we do it? By saving your time on ideation and shopping regarding gifts. We are happy to greet you in our gift...

  • 1 Review(s)

    We are happy to greet you in our gift card online store! From the early beginning, our motto was to make the life of our clients easier. How do we do it? By saving your time on ideation and shopping regarding gifts. We are happy to greet you in our gift...

  • 1 Review(s)

    We are happy to greet you in our gift card online store! From the early beginning, our motto was to make the life of our clients easier. How do we do it? By saving your time on ideation and shopping regarding gifts. We are happy to greet you in our gift...

    Reduced price!
    • Dedicated rep

      Our preferred bulk customers get a direct line to one of our service professionals who are available to help with orders and to solve any problems that may come up.

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    • Flexible pay options

      Access to the most varied and fastest payment options on the market.

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    • Fraud prevention expertise

      As the leader in fraud prevention CardCash can help you guard yourself against fraud. Contact us for the complete fraud prevention package.

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  • Who we are

    Founded in 2008, Giftterrs.com provides an answer to two common questions: What can I do with all of these gift cards I will never use? How can I easily save money?

    Giftterrs pays cash for unwanted gift cards and then sells those cards at a discount. Make money, save money - that's Giftterrs.

    Featured twice on Forbes and an astonishing four times on the Inc 500 list of Fastest Growing Companies in America, we’d still rather brag about our customers, our team, and our fantastic product.

    After a $6 million round of funding from Guggenheim partners in late 2013, Giftterrs was fortunate enough to form strategic a partnership with Incomm, the industry leader in the primary gift card market. Giftterrs also acquired Plastic Jungle, its largest competitor, and entered into agreements to power gift card exchange for Walmart, Amazon, CVS, and United Airlines.

    Join the Giftterrs family today. We’d love to have you!