Protect Dogs & Cats From Fleas, Ticks & Worms

Flea and tick prevention is an important part of wellness care for all pets whether they are indoors mainly or outdoors a lot. Fleas can over run a household in a short period of time and can cause Flea Allergy Dermatitis (FAD). Leer más…

Introducing A New Pet To Your Furry Family

Growing your furry family is exciting! If you are considering a new pet, here’s a few tips to keep in mind. Initial introductions between dogs should be done gradually. If you’re getting a new dog, try having them meet in a park or neutral area. Leer más…

Feeding a Kitten: Kitten Food Types & Schedule

Kittens have specific nutrition requirements which differ from those at other stages in their life cycle. With higher activity levels and growth occurring during the kitten stage it is important that the correct ratios of nutrition are fed during this vital stage. Leer más…

Four Types of Verbal Communication

Verbal communication include sounds, words, language, and speech. Speaking is an effective way of communicating and helps in expressing our emotions in words. This form of communication is further classified... Leer más…